Thursday 5 May 2016

Mrs Banks Re cap

Mrs Banks-Re Cap

In today's lesson, as it was the first lesson back from Easter, we had a recap on TV analysis on the areas that some of us found difficult and others that some of us found more understandable. We also went through the areas that we will be looking at in the analysis like camera, sound, mise-en-scene and editing, just to jog our memory and start thinking about the best way to analyse the different scenes that we've been shown.

We looked at a clip from an American TV drama series and tried to link it to the representation of ethnicity. We looked at Camera, Editing, Mise-en-scene and Sound and how we could link it to ethnicity and explain why the director and producer chose to include these different aspects. 

Monday 2 May 2016

Evaluation question 7.

Looking back at my preliminary task, I feel that I have experienced and gained a lot more knowledge in the production of my main task compared to my preliminary task.

My preliminary task challenged continuity, the 180-degree rule, match on action and the rule of thirds were all concepts that I was still getting the basics of. Having the opportunity to explore different ways in which I can use those conventions meant that my main task was much more professional, saved time and gave me the experience to apply it to more projects.

In my preliminary task, I used the editing software for the first time which meant that it took much longer to work and perfect the task. Having that past experience allowed my to extend it and apply it to my main task which saved time and allowed me to make it look more professional.

My preliminary task was my first time using camera shots as well, as a result, the camera angles and shots were not very still and accurate leading to dodgy shots and tilted camera angles. With my main task, I knew more about shots and angles which enabled me to shoot much more professional shots and keep the camera in the correct shot for longer periods of time.

Evaluation question 6

Shown above is my sixth evaluation question for viewing, about what technologies I have used in the production of my product.

Evaluation Question 5

here is my Fifth evaluation question for viewing, showing how we attracted our audience to watch our product.

Evaluation Question 4

Here is my fourth evaluation question for viewing, talking about our chosen target audience for our product.

Evaluation question 3

Above is my third evaluation question ready for viewing, about which film industries would distribute my media product.

Evaluation question 2

Shown above for your viewing is the link to my second evaluation question about social groups how we used them in effect.